Need help with something on Brimmen? You have come to the right place! Here you will find help with all aspects of your Brimmen experience.
Why has my account been deleted?
Brimmen has a zero tolerance for users who are rude, upload fake pictures, married, use sexual language in their first email, upload nude photos or break our terms of service in any way. Any user caught doing so is deleted. Users who are deleted may not signup to the service again.How do I create my Brimmen profile?
To create your free Brimmen profile, click here.Edit Profile
Your Profile can be updated in 5 sections:
Profile Details: Update your basic information, Base, Myself Summary, Lifestyle, Looking For & Physical.
We have factored into your profile page under /profile/edit the ability to at anytime change your personal information. Additionally you may decide to change the visibility of such information, as you can choose your desired visibility to other users.
To update your profile:
Click Edit My Profile make the desired changes, and click Update Profile.
If your Description is not saving, it may be for the following reasons:- It’s too short. Tell us more about yourself!
- It includes a series of numbers, random letters, or dates, or an email address or link to another site, or it includes words our spam filter will detect.
- You are attempting to change your gender or birthdate
Registration Details: Update your username, birthdate, email address, country, and password.
To update your Registration details:
Click Edit My Profile scroll to the very bottom of the page, make the desired changes, and click Save Changes.
If your changes are not saving, it may be for the following reasons:
- The username you selected is already in use.
- You are attempting to change your gender or birthdate.
To update your Password:
Click Edit My Profile Click on ‘Settings’ under ‘General’ and enter your new password twice, and click Save Changes.
How do I use Chat?
Using Our unique Facebook like Instant messenger – Scroll to the bottom left of your screen. Here you can see and message all online users. You can enter existing chat rooms or create your own. Furthermore, for added security and to enhance your online dating user experience; you will not receive any correspondence emails or messages from anyone unless you have both agreed to be friends.